//! # Universally useful structures
//! - [Span](struct@span::Span): Stores a start and end [Loc](struct@span::Loc)
//! - [Loc](struct@span::Loc): Stores the index in a stream
//! - [TypedInterner][ti] & [StringInterner][si]: Provies stable, unique allocations
//! - [Stack](stack::Stack): Contiguous collections with constant capacity
//! - [IndexMap][im]: A map from [map indices][mi] to values
//! [ti]: intern::typed_interner::TypedInterner
//! [si]: intern::string_interner::StringInterner
//! [im]: index_map::IndexMap
//! [mi]: index_map::MapIndex
#![feature(dropck_eyepatch, decl_macro, get_many_mut)]
pub mod intern;
pub mod span;
pub mod tree;
pub mod stack;
pub mod index_map;